10th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM)
14 – 16 December 2020, Online Conference

We invite papers for the 10th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM) that is to be held online, 14-15 December 2020. Previous OSCM conferences were held in Bali, Indonesia (2005), Thailand (2007), Malaysia (2009), Maldives (2011), New Delhi, India (2013), Bali, Indonesia (2014), Phuket, Thailand (2016), Cranfield, UK (2018), and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (2019). The theme of the 2020 conference is “Technology, People, and Innovation in Supply Chain”. The Call for Paper (CFP) is available to download here.
You can check the latest information about this conference here.
Topics of Interest
We invite submissions that fall within the broad area of operations and supply chain management, including but are not limited to the following:
- Digital Supply Chain
- Industry 4.0 and its impacts to Supply Chain
- Information systems and technology
- Global supply chain
- Human factors in logistics and supply chain
- Supply chain social responsibility
- Product design and commercialization
- Production planning and scheduling
- Quality engineering and management
- Service parts logistics and maintenance
- Product service systems
- Operations / supply chain strategy
- Sustainable production and logistics
- Purchasing / supply management
- Inventory planning and control
- Warehousing & material handling
- Transportation management
- Distribution management
- Closed-loop supply chain
- Maritime logistics
- Airline logistics
- Retail& City logistics
- Management of logistics services
- Organization issues in logistics and supply chain
- Humanitarian / disaster relief supply chain
- Healthcare supply chain
- Supply chain risk and uncertainty
- Agricultural supply chain
- Food supply chain
- Supply chain for project context
- Supply chain innovation
- Operations & SCM for Asia Pacific context
- Cost analysis in operations and logistics
- Pedagogical issues in SCM
- Research methodology in SCM
We welcome submission in the form of full papers or abstract only. All will be reviewed. Full papers will be published online.
Important Dates
- Submission of full paper/abstract:
15 September 202015 October 2020 - Review Results: 30 October 2020
- Camera Ready: 15 November 2020
- Conference: 14 – 16 December 2020
Conference Venue
Due to Covid-19 Pandemic, it is unlikely that we can arrange the conference in New Zealand this year. The OSCM 2020 will still be held, but via online.
The conference will be held in Rutherford House, Wellington School of Business and Government, Victoria University of Wellington.
Publication Opportunities
Selected papers will be published in our official journal, Operations and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. The OSCM journal is indexed/listed in SCOPUS and ESCI (Web of Science); and listed in many databases and journal ranking.
Download Poster
The 10th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM) is hosted by the collaboration of
Victoria University of Wellington and Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Indonesia